
Sunday, April 15, 2018

The Half Scale Diana - days 13 to 15

Hi everyone!

This week, I worked with the windows and their trimmings. And the acetate on the windows. Picture heavy post ALERT!

Painted white with nail polish for extra shiny!

This interior trimming I made with cardboard because the original one was too thick and it would prevent the false doors to open. Not perfect but not too bad:

Then I added the bay windows:

And the front windows trimmings:

Detail view of the front door:

Added some railing fo the staircase in the back :

Interior trimmings/acetate for the front windows:

I glued the roof for the bay windows:

And after days of indecision I choose this roof print:

I end up looking very good Indeed!

I also added wood print for the 'porch' floor and some trimmings on the edges:

Not much to do to finish this little lady. I need to add the staircase, some fluffy seating for the bay windows and the front door, that I can NOT understand how to build! ARGH!

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