
Sunday, September 2, 2012

McKinley dollhouse - week Fifteen


I finished the roof.. oo soo pretty!

Staircase and Fireplace almost done.

Tiles in the kitchen are glued in place with only the bay-window floor to finish. I need to use my BEST GIFT EVER to cut some tiles in angles. This picture is kind of useless since you can't see the actual titles 'cause of it's protective paper, but it's white. The wall tiles will have color... I hope...

Then it's time to choose wallpaper for the living/dining room, bedroom, and attic rooms...Aeh, I suck at choices...

Tower room is sanded and I'm going to work on the floor this week so I can attach the 'doors'. (note to self: Self, buy thoses thingies to put on the door so can open and close, hinges, I think?... Oh Almost forgot... Self, don't forget to get the 'wall' tiles. Thank you, Self!)

That's all folks!
See ya!


  1. Those shingles look wonderful - I gather they were damaged later on? Yes, you usually leave the shingling until last!

    1. Yeah... they were... Can you believe it was verge paper and finger paint? all gone now.. snif snif...

      I promise I did learn a very important lesson, ma'am!
