
Thursday, June 28, 2012

McKinley dollhouse - week fiveish (?)

I'm going to add the outer roof parts this weekend ( the gods willing of course ).
I'm going to do some 'bashing' because the attic is kind of a not usable/wasted space and I WANT MORE SPACE!

And I started the fireplace - which I'm still not sure I'll add to the dollhouse, 'cause you know... I WANT MORE SPACE!

And I have started the plans for the flooring.

My choices for the floor is woodwork (read Popsicle sticks) in the bedroom, hallway, living/dinning room and the attic 'space'.
The walls will be white 'plaster' - on every wall, 'cause my furniture is kind of busy....
The kitchen/bathroom floors AND walls will be tiles. I found a great (and cheap!!!) place that sells them in large quantities and in good quality.
Since I got a bathtub that is 'porcelain' brown I want the bath to be a brown/caramel/bege and white 'thingie'. My favorites:


the green is gooorgeous!

the black one is soooo posh!

I have not decide the color for the kitchen, yet, so many choices!
Exterior... nooo idea...

that's all folks.. Later!


  1. Those tiles are super pretty. How big are they? How thick?

  2. The tiles are gorgeous. I love them all :)
    Hugs Maria

  3. wow!!!! I especially love the green and black tiles. so beautiful.

    for the kitchen, have you thought of red? I don't much like red wine, but you could do a wine color there? or, maybe a turquoise or blue? going with a 'Caribbean' color scheme? LOL

    for the attic, if you really do want to leave it (even though it's not really a useable space), have you thought about making it either a small 'closet' or even a small 'storage' space? maybe just put some extra pieces in there to make a pretend storage place?

    or, a 'broom closet', I could make you some mini witches brooms... we all need a broom closet to call home. HAHAHAHA :p


  4. There are so many choices I'm afraid I would end up buying all, if I had the money to spend and the space to storage.

    My plans for the attic are a half-bath in the tower space, a living space in the larger room and a second bedroom in the smaller one. I just need the courage to bash the parts.
    Brooms must stay in places for easy access, just in case we need a fast exit. ;D

  5. HAHAHAHA. that's too funny! that's a good reason to keep them out in the open. LOL

    it sounds like you have a great plan for the space. I'm trying to gather some recyclable supplies to make a few pieces of furniture and decorations for you :p

  6. Thank you love! It's very nice of you to send me stuff. I'm going to post your postcards this week... I hope.
