
Sunday, July 1, 2012

McKinley dollhouse - Week Six

Hi Y'all

What a productive week!

Fireplace done:

Bathroom cabinet is done, and I added a extra side so I can change the placement if I wanted.:

And I finally did the Bedroom woodfloor:

First stages:

final result:

And that's how it's looking today: 

I'm going to start measuring the attic floor now. 


  1. wow hon! that looks WONDERFUL. the floor really did come out nice. you explained it well when you were telling me about it before! I love how some of the 'sticks' are different colors (lighter or darker).

    It looks wonderful! also, I love the fireplace as well. are you going to do a "mantel" on it? that's a shelf that goes on it and you can set stuff on the shelf.

    keep up the good work! :)

  2. There are parts for a mantel, but I think I should paint the fireplace first. I don't know anymore... I can't have too many choices, I can never decide.

    IF the freaking weather helped!!!! I could be almost done assembling this dollhouse, but the could and THE RAIN, OH MY GOD THE RAIN!!! does NOT add any help in drying the glue.

  3. LOL i know how that goes, rain is not good for the days I make cards either, my adhesive tends to get all gummy rather than stay gluey. but, I love the rain. I wish it would rain more. in fact, I wish it would rain so much that it turned more to snow. LOL

    have you thought about using paper for the fireplace, that looks like little bricks? instead of painting it? it might save you some time!

    having to make choices is what always takes me forever when I make my cards, too. I will spend about 30-45 minutes picking paper and ribbon etc. and then it only takes me like 10-15 mins to actually put the cards together. LOL pain in the ass! ;)

  4. I have the material to make "bricks" I just have to start. Then I'll make then , but to begin it's the hard part.

    I'm having a really hard time with choices so I'm going to take the thing by the balls, so to speak.
