
Thursday, July 28, 2011

It was Day Eight last night!


I finished the reception room...
Gorgeous wallpaper!

Terminei a sala de recepção...
Maravilhoso papel de parede!

And I was fooling around with templates for the staircase.

E eu estava brincando com modelos para a escada.

Some 'dry' placement:

Algumas colocações 'secas'

The rooms where the stairs will be placed are not done 'cause I need the stairs first so I can cut the gap BEFORE gluing the rooms. Stupidity no more... There was enough 'dumbiness' in the windows affairs.
I'm not working on the dollhouse tonight but the next rooms are the 2nd floor bathroom and the bedrooms.
AND I decided to take the dinning room by the balls - so to speak -  this weekend. Big room, still working the logistics for that.
Time for food.
Oh wait... 'Somebody' came around to see how 'things' are going:

As salas onde as escadas serão colocadas não estãoprontas porque eu preciso  primeiras das escadas para que eu possa cortar o vão antes de finalizar os cômodos. Estupidez nunca mais ... Já houve suficiente 'burrice' com o assunto das janelas.
Eu não vou trabalhar esta noite na casa de bonecas, mas os próximos cômodos são os banheiros do 2° andar e os quartos.
E eu decidi pegar a sala de jantar pelos colhões - por assim dizer - este fim de semana. Sala grande, ainda estou trabalhando na logística para isso.
Tempo pra comida.
Oh espere... 'Alguém' veio ao redor para ver como as 'coisas' estão indo:


Até mais!


  1. so, I take it from picture 2 that the frog was naughty so it's in the corner for punishment... and from the last pic, the little girl is so upset from the frog being bad that she is threatening to jump! I was like NOOOOOOO DON'T JUMP!

    LOL ;)

  2. o.O Oookay...

    Your imagination is more wild than mine and I'm a freak... LOL

    Beyounce was singing too loud and when she didn't stop when I asked, she had to got to the corner to think about her behaviour. Mildred is a drama queen, don't worry about her.
